Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2007/2008 Teacher of the Year Award

It's that time of year again, the announcement of IDEA's Teacher of the Year. Teachers nominate one another, and the top two are voted in by their collegues.

This year, however, the recipient of the Teacher of the Year award was directly chosen by administration and H.Q., and the winner is (drum roll)..............


It is a great honor to know that administration considered me enough to change the rules this time around. I consider that an even greater honor, being nominated and recognized by the people who hired me.

It's not every year day that teachers get recognition for their hard work, so I will proudly display my Teacher-of-the-year award where ever I work as a reminder to always work my hardest, whether or not I get the recognition. Our students are our best rewards; recognition from Administration is just the cherry on top!