Monday, March 3, 2014

Dr. Seuss Week

March 2nd is the official birthday of Theodore Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss. Weekly activities are as follows:

Monday: Silly Socks Day (Fox in Socks)

Tuesday: Pajama Day (Dr. Seuss Sleep Book)

Wednesday: Wacky Clothes Day (Wacky Wednesday)

Thursday: Crazy Hat Day (Cat in the Hat)

Friday: Character Day (All Dr. Seuss Characters are welcome!)

Due to district benchmarking, students will not have library class until Friday, so our Dr. Seuss Reading Restaurant will take place until then. In the meantime, students may stop by the library to pick up a Reading Waiter/Waitress application, so that they may participate in reading to the lower grade levels.

Click here for some activities to use in the classroom or at home: