Monday, May 7, 2018

The Berenstain Bears Go To Camp

"There's nothing to do," said sister a few days into summer break. Momma Bear decided to pitch summer camp to the cubs. Off they go to summer camp even though they were a little apprehensive about spending so much time away from home, but they're in for a pleasant surprise with tons of fun-filled activities.

The Berenstain Bears Go to Camp
The Berenstain Bears Go to Camp
Berenstain, Stan
AR Quiz No. 7486 EN Fiction
Accelerated Reader Quiz Information IL: LG - BL: 4.0 - AR Pts: 0.5
Accelerated Reader Quiz Type Information AR Quiz Types: RPVP
Book Rating Rating: 3.5
It's vacation time, and the young Bears learn what it's like to live at camp. The coauthor is Jan Berenstain.