Monday, October 20, 2014

Johnny Appleseed and National Apple Day

Although Johnny Appleseed day is celebrated on the month of September, October 21st is National Apple Day, and what is Apple Day without the mention of Johnny Appleseed? Johnny Appleseed was not a fictional character, as some people might believe him to be. His kind and gentle nature along with his love for animals and plants teaches us a lot about the way we should see our environment.

Click here to see a clip about Johnny Appleseed from BrainPopJr.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus Day

Let's learn about Christopher Columbus and his journey to find a shorter route to Asia. BrainPopJr has a free lesson this week that teaches about Christopher's visions as well as his errors.

As you can see, Columbus never quite made it to the continent that is now North America even though he made several voyages. As a result of his error, he was able to find land that was already inhabited and had been discovered years back by the Vikings. Learn about this interesting journey here and here. If you need a password, type in your campus' username and password. If you are from our campus, send me an email, and I will forward you the login information.

Click here for a cartoon that teaches about some of Columbus' experiences as an explorer.

Books to read:                                    Click on the picture below for awesome ideas from Happy
Brown House                                                                    

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fire Safety Adventure

This week our lower grade levels will read Fire Truck Adventure story about a class' adventure with their city Fire Department crew. Follow along with us. I love the narration for this story. Students will work on creating their own individualized fire hats and watch an actual Fire Safety presentation by our city's very own Fire Department!

Here's a link to download The Fire Truck Adventure app!

Your homework is to discuss with your family what you would do if there was a fire in your home and come up with an emergency evacuation plan!

Note: Pre-Kinder and Kinder also worked on Dolch & Sight words this week & will continue until students show mastery.