March 20th is the official first day of Spring this year. It is the time of year when flowers start blooming, trees begin budding, and the weather gets warmer through the Spring months. Animals also have their young; this season allows animals to gather food for their young such as berries, grass, etc. It is also the perfect time to plant new trees and plants.
Time to plant new seeds and new words on pages during this season when everything comes to life. Enjoy this book of poems, Laughing Tomatoes and Other Poems. Here at the library, we will dive right into this wonderful poetry resource and plant a Poet Tree of our own.
Time to plant new seeds and new words on pages during this season when everything comes to life. Enjoy this book of poems, Laughing Tomatoes and Other Poems. Here at the library, we will dive right into this wonderful poetry resource and plant a Poet Tree of our own.