Monday, April 24, 2017

Who Sleeps, Cat the Cat? by Mo Willems

Cat the cat is letting all her friends know that it's time to go to sleep. She's tired and wants all of her friends to join her. Watch/read this funny short tale, as you see every animal's response. It's a hoot!

Time to Sleep, Sheep the Sheep!/Who Sleeps, Cat the Cat?
Time to Sleep, Sheep the Sheep!/Who Sleeps, Cat the Cat?
Willems, Mo
AR Quiz No. 170242 EN Fiction
Accelerated Reader Quiz Information IL: LG - BL: 0.6 - AR Pts: 0.5
Accelerated Reader Quiz Type Information AR Quiz Types: RPRV
Book Rating Rating: 4.0
Cat the Cat has a slumber party with her animal friends.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Who is That, Cat the Cat? by Mo Willems

Who is that? It's Cat the Cat, and she is meeting so many characters and introducing them to us, but there's just one character that is, well, um....a little different, and she does not know what to even call it. Read to find out -- if you dare!

Who Is That, Cat the Cat?/Cat the Cat, Who Is That?
Who Is That, Cat the Cat?/Cat the Cat, Who Is That?
Willems, Mo
AR Quiz No. 170244 EN Fiction
Accelerated Reader Quiz Information IL: LG - BL: 0.5 - AR Pts: 0.5
Accelerated Reader Quiz Type Information AR Quiz Types: RPRV
Book Rating Rating: 4.0
An exuberant cat introduces readers to her friends.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Who Flies, Cat the Cat? by Mo Willems

Who flies, Cat the Cat? Well, all of Cat the Cat's friends can fly, except for one very heavy one - or so she thinks. Watch this book to see how in the world Hippo makes it so high in the sky!

Who Flies, Cat the Cat?/Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly!
Who Flies, Cat the Cat?/Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly!
Willems, Mo
AR Quiz No. 170243 EN Fiction
Accelerated Reader Quiz Information IL: LG - BL: 0.5 - AR Pts: 0.5
Accelerated Reader Quiz Type Information AR Quiz Types: RPRV
Book Rating Rating: 4.0
An exuberant cat cheers on her friends as they demonstrate whether they can fly.
Also, in lieu of National Library Week we will be celebrating with all types of activities in the library. Daily book giveaways will be conducted at the beginning of the day, and students will have an opportunity to work on centers with all sorts of fun like working on the circuit builder, with robotics, building blocks, tablets, and so much more! Here's Library Lion to show us a little about life in the library. Enjoy!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Happy Pig Day by Mo Willems

Piggie is celebrating her favorite day of the year - Pig Day!!! Oh, but it makes Gerald feel a bit left out when he sees her surrounded by all of her pig friends. How can Gerald celebrate alongside her without feeling different. Read the book to find out!

Happy Pig Day!
Happy Pig Day!
Willems, Mo
AR Quiz No. 147098 EN Fiction
Accelerated Reader Quiz Information IL: LG - BL: 0.7 - AR Pts: 0.5
Accelerated Reader Quiz Type Information AR Quiz Types: RPRV
Book Rating Rating: 4.0
Piggie celebrates her favorite day of the year, but Gerald is sad that he cannot join the fun.