Objective: Identify Library rules & procedures.
§110.2 1A, B, D, E; 5C, 5D, 5E; §110.3 1A, B, D, E; §110.4 1A, B, D, E; §110.5 1A, B, D, E; §110.6 1A, B, D, E; §110.7 1A, B, D, E;
Materials/Resource: Southmost Library Webpage: Rules and Procedures & Book of the Week.
Activity: All levels will discuss and practice library rules.
1st-5th: discuss library setup i.e. Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biographies, Easy Fiction, Reference, e-magazines, e-books, & tablets. Checkout books.
Homework/Assessment: read
We are continuing with our library procedures. This will be on-going throughout the year. Our students need to work on all aspects of the library such as checking out, lining up correctly, placing checked in books in the right place, learning sections of the library, etc.
Story of the Week: